Al-Qamar-24, Surah 54-The Moon (Al-Qamar) Verse# 24

54/Al-Qamar-24: Then they said: “A human being from among us? Shall we depend on him? Most surely we shall in that case be indeed in Misguidance and madness”. (English Transliteration: Fa kealoo abasharan minnea veahidan nattabiuhoo innea izan lafee daalealin va suur(suurin).)
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Surah 54-The Moon (Al-Qamar) Verse# 24

فَقَالُوا أَبَشَرًا مِّنَّا وَاحِدًا نَّتَّبِعُهُ إِنَّا إِذًا لَّفِي ضَلَالٍ وَسُعُرٍ
English Transliteration: Fa kealoo abasharan minnea veahidan nattabiuhoo innea izan lafee daalealin va suur(suurin).
Then they said: “A human being from among us? Shall we depend on him? Most surely we shall in that case be indeed in Misguidance and madness”.

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