Ta-Ha-8, Surah 20-Ta Ha (Ta-Ha) Verse# 8

20/Ta-Ha-8: Allah! There is no god but He. His are the most beautiful Names. (English Transliteration: AAlleahu lea ileaha illea huva, lahul asmeaul husnea.)
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Surah 20-Ta Ha (Ta-Ha) Verse# 8

اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَهُ الْأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى
English Transliteration: AAlleahu lea ileaha illea huva, lahul asmeaul husnea.
Allah! There is no god but He. His are the most beautiful Names.
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